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The content on this website was written to provide you with information. No content on this site intends to endorse or recommend entities, which mentioned or referenced. Moreover, our website content does not furnish any medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or opinion — which can only be obtained from a licensed physician. Our company accepts patients, staff, or partners regardless of color, age, race, religion, sex, disability, nationality, or any differences protected by local, state, or federal laws.

  1. Our Commitment to Your Privacy

    Our company works to uphold the privacy of your personally identifiable health information. In our business operations, we keep a record of your treatments or services we provide. As by law, we shall keep the confidentiality of your health information, and we are required to disclose a notice of our legal responsibilities and privacy practices. We shall also adhere to the terms of the notice of privacy practices we have laid in place.

    This notice of privacy practices summarizes this vital information:

    • How we collect, use, or disclose your personally identifiable information
    • Our duties regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of your personally identifiable information
    • Your rights pertaining to your personally identifiable information

    This notice of privacy practices applies to all records and documents that contain your personally identifiable information kept in our company.

    We reserve the right to amend this notice, and any revision to the notice shall be effective for all your personally identifiable information records retained by our company, including records created in the past and records to be created in the future.

    Our company will publish our current notice of privacy practices in our office locations, in which you may request a copy for your own.

  2. If You Have Questions About This Notice, Please Contact:

    HR Officer 11 51 Union Street, Suite 204 Worcester, MA 01608

  3. We May Use and Disclose Your Health Information in the Following Ways:
    1. The provision of care. We will use your personally identifiable information to provide you with care. Our team will also use your health information to create and execute a care plan for you. Moreover, we may have to disclose your health information to entities who will assist with your care, including your therapists, children, doctors, nurses, spouses, or parents.
    2. Payment. Our company will use your personally identifiable information to bill, collect, and verify payment for the products and services you avail of from us. For instance, we may coordinate with your insurance provider to verify that you are eligible for certain benefits; in turn, we will disclose your treatment information to your insurance provider, so they can determine whether they will cover your healthcare costs. Furthermore, we may use your personally identifiable information to complete your payment with third-parties that are responsible for the costs, such as family members.
    3. Healthcare operations. Our company may disclose your personally identifiable information to conduct our business. For example, we may use your health information to assess the type of care provided to you or conduct cost-management activities for our agency.
    4. Required by law. Our company may use or disclose your personally identifiable information as required by the state, local, or federal law.
  4. Use and Disclosure of Your Identifiable Health Information in Certain Special Circumstances.

    Your identifiable health information may be used or disclosed in the following scenarios or special circumstances listed below as deemed necessary:

    1. Public Health Risks. For the purpose of public safety, your health information may be disclosed to public health authorities that are permitted by law to collect identifiable health information for an authorized purpose, such as:
      • Keeping vital records (e.g., births and deaths).
      • Reporting child abuse or neglect.
      • Managing or monitoring disease, injury, or disability.
      • Giving notice to people who are at risk of exposure to communicable diseases.
      • Giving notice to people who have potential risks for spreading or contracting a disease or condition.
      • Keeping tabs on drug reactions or issues with products or devices.
      • Informing people if a product or device has been recalled.
      • Giving notice or reporting to government agencies and authorities about the potential abuse or neglect, such as domestic violence, of an adult patient. However, information will only be disclosed once we’ve come to an agreement with the patient or if we are required or authorized by law to make such disclosure.
      • Giving notice to employers during certain and limited circumstances such as workplace injury, illness, or medical surveillance.
    2. Health Oversight Activities. The identifiable health information of a patient may be disclosed to a health oversight agency for special circumstances as required by law. Oversight activities are defined as investigations, inspections, audits, surveys, licensures and disciplinary actions; civil, administrative, and criminal procedures or actions; or others that are essential for the authorities to keep tab and monitor programs, as well as general abidance with civil rights laws and the health care system.
    3. Lawsuits and Similar Proceedings. In the event that you are involved in a lawsuit or other legal proceedings, your identifiable health information may be disclosed in response to the court order or administrative ruling. Moreover, your identifiable health information may also be disclosed in compliance to a discovery request, subpoena, or other lawful process as requested by the other party involved in the proceeding. Rest assured that you will be notified if such request is made in order to protect the information the other party has requested.
    4. Law Enforcement. Your identifiable health information may also be released or disclosed in the event that a law enforcement official requires or authorizes us to do so during these special circumstances:
      • Concerning a crime victim in specific events, and if we weren’t able to acquire the person’s agreement.
      • Death of a person that resulted from criminal misconduct.
      • When criminal misconducts are made at our offices.
      • In compliance to an arrest warrant, summons, court order subpoena or other legal rulings.
      • To track down a person regarded as a suspect, material witness, fugitive, or missing person.
      • In the event of an emergency, we may disclose health information to report a crime, which includes the location, victims of the crime, as well as the description, identity, or location of the perpetrator.
    5. Serious Threats to Health or Safety. For risk management purposes and in order to prevent health and safety threats to the patient and/or other individual or the general public, we may disclose your identifiable information when deemed necessary.
    6. Workers’ Compensation. In regards to Worker’s Compensation or other similar programs, we may disclose your identifiable health information as required.
  5. Your Rights Regarding Your Identifiable Health Information

    Enumerated below are your rights regarding the specific health data that we keep about you.

    1. Confidential Communication

      You have the right to request that we communicate with you about your health concerns in specific locations and in a particular manner. With this said, you may ask us to communicate with you at home and not at work. To request any form of confidential communication, please send a written request to:

      HR Officer
      Top Aid Health Care, Inc.
      51 Union Street, Suite 204
      Worcester, MA 01608

      In your letter, please specify the requested mode of contact or location where you prefer to be contacted. We are ready to grant actionable requests. You don’t have to detail the reason for requesting confidential communication.

    2. Requesting Restrictions

      You have a right to request a restriction in our disclosure or use of your health details for care operations, payment or health, or for treatment. You also have the right to request our company for limiting disclosure of your health information to individuals who have involvement in your care payment, including your family and friends and care services. It is important to note that we are not required to grant your request for restrictions. But when we do, we are bound to follow our agreement, except when required by law, when the information is needed for your treatment, or during emergencies. To request for restriction in our disclosure or use of your health information, please write us a request and send it to our office:

      HR Officer
      Top Aid Health Care, Inc.
      51 Union Street, Suite 204
      Worcester, MA 01608

      Your letter must clearly specify the following:

      • The information that you want to be restricted
      • If your request’s intent is to limit our practice’s disclosure or use of your information
      • To whom you request the limits to apply
    3. Inspection and Copies

      You have a right to check and obtain a copy of your health information. You have to inspect the details in your copy because these may be used to make decisions about you, your medical records, and medical billing records. However, these records will not include your psychotherapy notes. To inspect and obtain a copy of your information, please send your request to our office:

      HR Officer
      Top Aid Health Care, Inc.
      51 Union Street, Suite 204
      Worcester, MA 01608

      We may charge a fee for costs regarding the supplies associated with your request, the labor in acquiring and compiling your request, copying, and mailing. There may be instances when we have to deny your request due to certain circumstances. However, you may also request a review of our denial. We will ask a licensed health professional to conduct the reviews.

    4. Amendment

      You may request us to amend your health information if you think there are irregularities in your information (i.e., incomplete or incomplete). In this case, you may also request an amendment for as long as said information is kept by our company. If you wish to request an amendment, please send your request to our office:

      HR Officer
      Top Aid Health Care, Inc.
      51 Union Street, Suite 204
      Worcester, MA 01608

      In your written request, please include a valid reason that supports your request for amendment. We will deny your request in the event that you fail to submit your request in writing, along with the reason that supports your request. We may also deny your request if we notice that the information you want us to amend is:

      • Complete and accurate
      • Not part of the identifiable health information
      • Not created by our company (unless the organization or person who created the information is unavailable to amend the information)
    5. Accounting Disclosures

      Our clients have the right to request an accounting of disclosures, which is a list of disclosures that our company has made on clients’ identifiable health information. To obtain an accounting of disclosures, write us a request and send it to our office:

      HR Officer
      Top Aid Health Care, Inc.
      51 Union Street, Suite 204
      Worcester, MA 01608

      Requests for an accounting of disclosures must specify a time period that may not be longer than six years and may not include dates before January 1, 2021. The first list you request within a 12-month period is free of charge, but our company may charge you for additional lists within the same 12-month period. We will notify you of the costs involved with additional requests, and you may withdraw your request before you incur any costs.

    6. Right to File a Complaint

      If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with our organization or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. To file a complaint with our organization, please write to us at:

      HR Officer
      Top Aid Health Care, Inc.
      51 Union Street, Suite 204
      Worcester, MA 01608

      Complaints should be sent in writing. Please take note that you will not be penalized for filing a complaint.

    7. Right to Provide an Authorization for Other Uses and Disclosures

      We will obtain your written authorization for disclosures and uses that may not be identified in this notice or permitted by applicable law. Authorizations that you provide our company with regards to the disclosure and use of your identifiable health information may be revoked anytime in writing. Once you revoke your authorization, we will no longer disclose or use your identifiable health information for the reasons specified in the authorization. It is important to note that we are required to keep records of your care.